- The war was "the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism", a war of short swift thrusts, blockhouse warfare, war of attrition, "protracted war". 是“革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”;是短促突击,是堡垒战,是消耗战,是“持久战”;
- The Kuomintang is now pursuing a policy of blockhouse warfare,feverishly constructing their tortoise-shells as though they were iron bastions. 国民党现在实行他们的堡垒政策,大筑其乌龟壳,好像这是他们的铜墙铁壁。
- Now that the enemy has developed his blockhouse warfare to a high degree,this will become our usual method of operation. 堡垒主义发达的今日,这种手段将要成为经常的作战手段。
- Now that the enemy has developed his blockhouse warfare to a high degree, this will become our usual method of operation. 堡垒主义发达的今日,这种手段将要成为经常的作战手段。
- The Kuomintang is now pursuing a policy of blockhouse warfare, feverishly constructing their "tortoise-shells" as though they were iron bastions. 国民党现在实行他们的堡垒政策,大筑其乌龟壳,以为这是他们的铜墙铁壁。
- The war was "the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism",a war of short swift thrusts,blockhouse warfare,war of attrition,"protracted war". 是“革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”;是短促突击,是堡垒战,是消耗战,是“持久战”。
- This characteristic of our base areas made the Red Army's operations very different from ordinary operations and was the main reason why the enemy subsequently had to resort to the policy of blockhouse warfare. 根据地这个特点,使红军的作战比较一般的作战起了很大的变化,也是使后来敌人不得不采取堡垒主义的主要原因。
- Generally speaking,the Japanese cannot adopt the principle of blockhouse warfare,which the Kuomintang employed in the days of the civil war,because their forces are inadequate in relation to China's vast territory. 由于中国地区广大、敌人兵力不足的矛盾情况,敌人是一般地不能采取中国内战时国民党的堡垒主义的。
- The burly soldier pause at the foot of the blockhouse. 魁梧的士兵在堡垒下停了下来。
- Our eyes catch sight of a form in the blockhouse port. 我们看到碉堡发射孔里有人影。
- The naval warfare ended in our victory. 这次海战以我们的胜利而告终。
- Mobility is very important in guerrilla warfare. 机动性在游击战中至关重要。
- Prepared for use or action, especially in warfare. 有战斗力的,备战的为使用或行动准备的,尤指在战争中
- He was superintending the work on the blockhouse we were building. 他正在指挥我们造木屋的工作。
- Our eyes caught sight of a form in the blockhouse port. 我们看到碉堡发射孔里有人影。
- Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse. 沈重的脚步在掩体台上走动。
- The burly soldier paused at the foot of the blockhouse. 魁梧的士兵在堡垒下停了下来。
- The enemy was besieged in the blockhouse. 敌人被我们围困在碉堡中。
- The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare. 这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。
- They ranged their guns on the enemy blockhouse. 他们把大炮瞄准敌人的碉堡。